. . . Watch The World Spinning Gently Out Of Time
Back as a psych student at Duke, one of the theories I learned dealt with pupilary dilation. Back in the 60s and early 70s, several studies were done on whether the pupil constricts when negative images were shown. The studies were inconclusive on that issue, but what researches did find was that pupils consistently dialated when subjects were shown attractive images. To put it another way, if someone finds you attractive, you'll know because her/his pupils will dilate. This has been the basis for numerous articles in men's magazines. I haven't seen any recent studies on this issue, so who knows if it's bunk.Yeah, and there are yet undiscovered tribes in the Amazon who can see where this is going.
I was supposed to have dinner with Setup Chick and Young Co-Worker chick tomorrow night. Then Setup Chick asks if we could have dinner just between us tonight because her boyfriend is supposed to take her out tomorrow night. Of course I say yes. So we have a heart to heart talk during dinner about her relationship with her boyfriend and my general issues. At one point, she looks like she's about to cry, but she doesn't. I think back to my psych class, and I notice that her pupils did dilate when she looked at me. I noticed this earlier in the office, and I noticed this again when we were in the parking lot. While driving home, she gives me a call to tell me that William Hung is on the radio (damn his FOB soul). When I get home, I give her a call. We end up talking for another hour. We watch the same obscure shows and talk about our pets.
Don't worry, my rational mind knows that, at this point, I don't just need to walk away from this situation--I need to run, run into the ocean, learn to swim and fucking grow gills.
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