Wednesday, September 25, 2002

Same As It Ever Was

OK, the whole Degrassi High sitch has been resolved. About two weeks ago, I had to get Secretary X to talk to a Certain Someone, and let her know that Marty Stark is not going to ask her out and that he had nothing to do with this. I'd rather have done this myself, but a Certain Someone was still all freaked out around me. Supposedly, a Certain Someone had no clue, but whatever, I know fuck off body language when I see it. So why haven't been doing the blog thing lately if things have calmed down? I'm just tired. Oh, plus I got the X-Box this weekend.

I haven't been getting much sleep lately, so the serotonin levels are way down (and low serotonin levels a cranky lawyer makes). Plus I've been drinking 3 cups of coffee and 3 diet cokes a day, so there goes the dopamine levels. My brain is a mixed up chemical cocktail. And yeah, I still have a crush on a Certain Someone. Even worse, my muse has fled again.

I know, I gotta try to be more positive. At least Arsenal is number one in the Premier League whereas Man. U. is still stuck below fifth, and Juventus is number two in the Serie A.

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