Friday, January 23, 2004

Golden Lights Displaying Your Name / Don't Mug Yourself

So Tuesday, I made my acting debut--I was an extra in my pal Dubois' short film. This consisted of standing in line and talking on my cell, though not at the same time. Unfortunately, not many extras showed, so I guess Dubois will have to digitalize a bunch of us to make the club scene look happenin'. I can see it now, folks screening the short saying, "Dude, why is that club full of chorks who look like Chinese Elvis Costellos? At least they're fashionably dressed."

So, since I'm still trying to get back my writing chops, here's the worst transition ever!!! At the filming, I happened to fall absolutely head over heels in schoolboy crush over the Makeup Chick. I mean, I gots it bad. I know, how is this different from NMBL or any of the chicks. Well, I've been tossing and turning the last two nights thinking about her. Usually, I see a cute chick but I forget her face when I get home--all I know is that they were cute. Yet I can remember Makeup Chick's face with perfect clarity. I may be a little wired after meeting a pretty chica, but I manage to sleep well afterwards. And, to be a bit redundant, after meeting Makeup Chick, two nights awake going on third. She has incredible blue eyes, and not round anime eyes, but piercing blue eyes that make your heart go aflutter like the beats of a techno song (but she's a brunette, so take that "Oh-I-bet-he's-going-to-say-she's-blonde-because-blondes-make-him-weak-at-the-knees-ain't-Marty-predictable-geez-I'm-getting-winded-after-saying-all-that"). And, a first in the Marty's history of chick's he's been attracted to, she has tattoos (though not in a biker chick / fetish chick type way, though not in a sorority oh aren't I bad for having a teddy bear tattoo's on my ankle type way either). Basically, I was Michael Corleone when he first sees Appolonia, thunder struck me (which I guess means I should never let her drive my car lest she gets all blowned up by a lackey from a rival gang).

The problem / risk inherent in blogging on stuff like this is that if things go south or nuthin' happens is that the writer looks like a complete jackass. You go from reading, "La la la, I'm in happy head over heels land! Life is a nice sunshiney place with unicorns and teddy bears and kissy-poos! La la la!" to "(Quiet sobbing and sniffling)Well, it turns out she has a boyfriend / girlfriend / consumption. That's OK (sniff sniff), just wasn't meant to be. I'm just gonna, um, keep my chin up and (sniff sniff) aw who am I trying to kid? I'm worthless! Just a big ol' ugmo! Stop looking at me! I SAID STOP LOOKING AT ME!!!! WAAAAAAAAAAH" And who says blogging is just a harmless exercise. I'm Marty Stark--taking the risks that you my dear readers (well, most of my dear readers) aren't. Just all for the sake of art and entertainment. Man I need to get some sleep.

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