Monday, April 29, 2002

Fuck Yin and Yang Redux

The condo sale is a go. I locked in a loft in Westwood. The move is set for May 15th. Yay, right? So I'm happy that I'm finally getting outta' the pop stand known as Silicon Valley, but of course, I can't have a full day of being yippee skippee.

I'm returning from the local Taco Bell in front of the K-Mart. This crappy ass boxey mid '80s American car is in front of me. Suddenly, it stops and goes into reverse, crashing into my car despite me honking my horn three times to try to get the driver to look in the fucking rear view mirror. Wouldn't you know it, the driver 1) has no insurance; 2) has no title papers or registration for his car; 3) had no driver's license; 4) has no residency papers and 5) he isn't a citizen. He and his other illegal buddy kept asking me how much it would take to repair and keep quiet, but of course they didn't have any money. He also said if I reported it, the police would take the car away. I told him, "That's not my fucking problem. You're the one who backed up into me without looking." At least I got the license number of the car and the dude's name. Unfortunately, I didn't have a cell phone, so when I had to go to the K-Mart pay phone to call my insurance company, the fuckers buggered off.

Luckily, I'm covered for uninsured motorists. Hopefully, the insurance company is able to trace the car, then trace the driver and get his ass deported.

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